Visit this “Strategy-Informer' page for a comprehensive list of changes.


Platinum Spore is still being updated and the mod’s site is still maintained by Vexx32, maker of Platinum Spore and site-owner. It is another overhaul mod but much bigger than Better Spore, with a myriad of additions to various stages, particularly to the creature and space stages. The latest version is 1.8, highly recommended if you want your game to step into the future.

A few of the notable changes include:


1) Creature stage is longer, 3 additional DNA points when feeding, increased flying speed and less Sea Monster annoyance, increased Jump height, more realistic hunger bar.

2) Space stage has many changes like more cargo space, halved frequency of pirates/raids/natural disasters, no penalty for Grox-allying, no Galactic-code penalties, one million starting money and tons more!

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3) General changes like new spices, permanent temperature changes, camera tweaks and new turret weapons.

The original forum thread includes all the changes and is still being updated as I write this!

Uber Epic Mod

Best Spore Mods

This is just a fun mod which allows you to play as an epic creature; it may not be as useful as the previous two but it certainly adds different flavour for the player. An epic creature in the game is much larger, much harder to kill and generally more aggressive on every life-form.

As an epic creature you will start with much more health than normally and could ultimately get as much as five-thousand HP. You also are way more powerful and can kill non-epic creatures with one hit, retaining all the attacks an epic creature has. Other changes include increasing viewing distance and lowering the nest-member amounts.

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This mod was created by Nineballfool, which you can either download here or from another fansite. As mentioned the original 'Spore' mods site, Sporedum, is no more, so you may want to try both of these locations for this mod, listed as versions 1.0 and 2.1 respectively.

Not compatible with Better Spore.

Enjoy the mods!